Arc Welding Training in Durban ,Empangeni , Pietermaritzburg
Arc Welding

Details for the Arc Welding Training in Durban ,Empangeni , Pietermaritzburg are Below .
Duration: 1 month
Learning assumed to be in place:
- Grade 9 Certificate,
- Communication at NQF Level 2 or equivalent.
- Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2 or its equivalent
Enroll below for Arc Welding Training in Durban

Requirements for the Arc Welding Training in Durban
- ID copy,
- Pen & Book,
- Medical report,
- Welding Gloves,
- WeldingEye Glasses
- Safety Vest / Reflector,
- Safety boots,
- Masks & Ear pads,
- Above 18 years
- Overalls
What is Arc Welding?
Metals are melted during the welding process known as Arc welding, which uses electricity Arc to generate heat. Between a consumable or non-consumable electrode and the base material, a power source generates an electric arc using either direct DC or alternating AC currents.
Why is Arc Welding a good career choice?
Welders are in constant demand.
The demand fluctuates significantly, but it is generally consistent in the welding industry. Since they are needed in various industries, arc welders are always in demand. As a result, people are allowed to change industries without having to change their careers. Arc welders can make significant money because there is a constant high demand for their services.
Positive Future Outlook
The industrial sector has traditionally benefited from the work of arc welders. There will be no change in the future. No matter how well the economy id doing, nothing matters. Even in a recession, welding employment will fall substantially less than other occupations. Without arc welding, no industry can thrive. During a recession, you can migrate to more stable industries if certain industries experience a decline. You don’t need to make a costly and time-consuming career transition to switch industries.
Where can you work with an Arc Welding training?
A wide variety of industries hire Arc welders in lots of capacities. most of these include the following industries:
Automotive industry Architectural Construction companies Structural metals Manufacturing
Agricultural manufacturing Motor vehicle manufacturing Shipbuilding companies.
Most of these companies are the most companies that are considered as arc welders’ employers.
Good thing about being an arc welder is that you are not obliged to working only for companies, you can even become an independent arc welder who has their own projects that they work on, on freelance basis or even better, you can start your own practise.
Why is Arc Welding recommended?
Since a college degree is not necessary, the welding industry is quite accessible. In approximately few months, you can earn well and get your arc welding certificate.
Your level of skill will determine your level of success. Candidates must do well on a practical test for the majority of arc welding positions.
You can learn about several industries through arc welding. Compared to any other talent or trade, it provides a wider range of options. This is due to the fact that arc welding jobs are available in all industries. In almost every business in the world, arc welders are necessary.
You can enhance your arc welding profession further with training. the following are some examples of the various industries that need arc welders.
Start or Arc Welding Training in Durban ,Empangeni , Pietermaritzburg Today